Posted 27 May 2016

Prof. Terrence Sejnowski

BRAIN 2025

President Obama announced the BRAIN Initiative on April 2, 2013. The goal of this government—private effort is to accelerate brain research with innovative neurotechnology. Bipartisan support from the US Congress has kept the NIH BRAIN 2025 report recommendations on target, and BRAIN research projects in the private sector have matched and complemented those from government agencies. We need to coordinate the international efforts from other brain projects that are underway or being planned in other countries. We need to bring together the Earth's best scientists and engineers to help us help humans who suffer from brain disorders and ultimately understand ourselves.

About speaker:
Prof. Terrence Sejnowski is currently an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a Distinguished Professor at the University of California at San Diego and holds the Francis Crick Chair at The Salk Institute, USA. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine and the National Academy of Engineering.  He was instrumental in shaping the BRAIN Initiative that was announced by the White House in 2013 and served on the Working Group of the Advisory Committee to the Director of NIH for the BRAIN Initiative. Prof. Sejnowski is a pioneer in computational neuroscience and his goal is to understand the principles that link brain to behaviour.