Posted 11 Apr 2016

Prof. Emily Holmes, Dr. Renee M. Visser

Mental imagery and imaging mental disorders: the persistence of involuntary memories

About author:

Prof. Emily Holmes is Programme Leader at the MRC (Medical Research Council) Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK. She is Guest Professor in Clinical Psychology at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, and an Honorary Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. She is cognitive scientist and  clinical psychologist. She is on the Board of Trustees of the research charity “MQ; transforming mental health.” and Chair of their Fellows Committee.

Within mental health science, her field is experimental psychopathology for psychological treatment innovation. Linking cognitive science with clinical psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience her team’s research focuses on psychological trauma and mood disorders, with a particular interest in mental imagery and emotion.

She is Associate Editor of “Clinical Psychological Science”. Her research has been recognised by the British Psychological Society’s Spearman Medal (2010), Humboldt Foundation Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award (2013), and the American Psychological Association (2014).