Posted 01 Apr 2015

Dr. Francesco Petrini , Dr. Stanisa Raspopovic

Start-up Pitch: SensArs Neuroprosthetics, Audience Award

Francesco Petrini and Stanisa Raspopovic from SensArs Neuroprosthetics pitches at The Brain Forum 2015

About SensArs Neuroprosthetics:
SensArs Neuroprosthetics is an EPFL spin-out, founded by scientists with experience in prosthetics and neural interfaces. SensArs invented SENSY, a neuroprosthesis that restores tactile sensation and diminishes neuropathic pain in people with amputations or nerve injuries. SENSY restores skin sensation that, through implants in the residual nerves, delivers tactile information to the user’s brain re-enabling the perception of touch.